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Fire in the Bar-K? - Printable Version

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Fire in the Bar-K? - Robert S. - 09-06-2024

We just drove into the Bar-K at 11 pm Friday night, and there is a large bonfire just south of the intersection of Ridge Road and Ranch Road.  The flames were reaching at least four feet in the air, possibly more.  This is very alarming!  I hope that it isn't a problem, but if it's voluntary, it really isn't fair to put all of our homes (and the forest) at risk.  I can't understand how anyone would think that having a large fire outdoors in the summer is a good idea.

Whoever you are, please put it out, or call the fire department if you need help!

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - VBetty - 09-08-2024

Robert, I would suggest that if you see this again, please call 911 with the location. You may have done that on Friday night, and if so, thank you!!

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - tina - 09-08-2024

Tina and Grayson at 300 Ridge here. This is our neighbor. I woke up for work at 4 am and saw the fire still going strong in the back yard. It appeared unattended. We’re new to Colorado so was unsure if this was legal or not. Regardless, it made me nervous. Neighbor did the same thing again the next day. Now that we know, we will call it in next time. Thank goodness nothing happened.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - Marcia M - 09-08-2024

Yeah, totally 911.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - Hollis - 09-08-2024

I'm pretty sure western Boulder county is in stage 1 fire restrictions, not sure where to look for a definitive source, found this link.
Anytime there is a concern, at least contact the Boulder County Sheriffs Dept.
I'd say anytime any size fire is left unattended is a valid reason to contact someone in authority.

EDIT/ADDED- Seems the notification applies to public land. Either way, I'd call the sheriffs dept. for clarification, bonfires, campfires ect can get out of hand quickly, and it's very irresponsible to leave one unattended.,Boulder%20Mountain%20Fire%20Protection%20District.

Hmmm, seems this is allowed.
 Stage 1 fire restrictions ALLOW:
  • Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire in constructed, permanent fire pits or fire grates, within developed recreation sites and on private lands.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - VBetty - 09-08-2024

Yes, stage 1 fire restrictions are in effect.

If you live in Western Boulder County, and want to be a good neighbor, find another pasttime other than having a fire on your own land, even if you have it in a 100% approved metal fire ring. If you do have this approved fire ring, you have to have it at least 20' away from any combustible materials. The only place I can think of in the BarK that fits these conditions is NOWHERE.

For those of us that were evacuated in 2020 for 5 days during the Calwood fire, initiating the action of starting a bonfire in our yards is so far from being a logical, responsible, or safe activity. It is really hard to fathom someone who cares about their own house and own neighborhood, region, County, or state would think that starting any sort of fire on your property is remotely a good idea, unless it is February with 4' of snow on the ground, and you have contacted the local fire jurisdiction to get a burn permit, and have the fire department present at the time of the burn.

Please, if you have wood to burn on your property, reach out to your neighbors to see if they would like some firewood for the winter. I am sure that many folks residing in the BarK and Jamestown and surrounding areas would love the opportunity for some free wood to cut and split for burning in our 100% approved interior wood stoves during the long cold winter.

Sincerely, a concerned neighbor and member of the BarK community.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - O'B's - 09-08-2024

Hi all-
the discussion around this is great, and the expectation setting within the community is needed. There are a few things folks should be aware of: even though we are level 1 which does allow for 3x3x3 outside fires (think warming fire), a fire larger than that will get extinguished, by the homeowner, with the FD watching. If a homeowner is attempting to dispose of slash by burning it in smaller amounts that is not a warming fire. If folks want to dispose of slash by burning, they will need to pull a permit through the Wildfire Group of the County Sheriff's office, and then comply with the terms of the permit (snow on the ground and weather requirements). The fire department does not stand by on pile/slash burns, although the mitigation crew does burn the piles they make. When in doubt, don't ignite.

I posted this a day ago when the question of fore restrictions came up:

Hi all- the Level 2 fire restrictions have been lifted and we're back to Level 1. That means while it's legal to have outdoor fires on private property, there are a couple of parameters: it must be in a ring, or it must be fed by fuel that can be shut off (propane); it cannot be larger than 3x3x3, it's really intended to be a warming/cooking fire, not a celebration fire.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - Zennia - 09-08-2024

Has anyone talked to the people who are living there? Do the residents understand how dangerous this is? Do the owners of the home know people are having big fires there?

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - - 09-08-2024

(09-08-2024, 09:31 AM)tina Wrote: Tina and Grayson at 300 Ridge here. This is our neighbor. I woke up for work at 4 am and saw the fire still going strong in the back yard. It appeared unattended. We’re new to Colorado so was unsure if this was legal or not. Regardless, it made me nervous. Neighbor did the same thing again the next day. Now that we know, we will call it in next time. Thank goodness nothing happened.

Was that the neighbor to the east or the west of you?

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - donkol - 09-08-2024

O'B, is there any chance you could have a word with these people? Perhaps they would listen to an expert! Also, it would give you a chance to see if they are even extinguishing it properly. Thanks in advance for considering it.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - O'B's - 09-09-2024

Hi Don-
I'm in Washington on the Ruby Fire. I believe we had a response to Ridge last night for an illegal fire, and I feel confident that the Captain on shift would have educated the property owner. Hopefully it sinks and and the crew don't have to go back tonight.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - donkol - 09-09-2024

O'B, is there any chance you could have a word with these people? Perhaps they would listen to an expert! Also, it would give you a chance to see if they are even extinguishing it properly. Thanks in advance for considering it.

Sorry for the double post!

Thanks for the info, and I hope you're right!

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - grayson - 09-18-2024

The neighbor started another fire last night around 8 p.m., and two fire trucks and a sheriff showed to extinguish it. Dunno who called this time, but thanks. Real brainworms stuff.

RE: Fire in the Bar-K? - - 09-18-2024

Does anyone know if the people starting these fires are the owners of the property? Is it possible these are renters and the owners aren’t aware of the situation? I sure would like to be confident that the issue is resolved!