Poetry for Klaus
Since April is National Poetry Month, I would like to use two poetry styles to shout out an appreciation to our local meteorologist, who has kindly shared his knowledge with us for so many years.

If you want to share a poem, please do!
Iambic Pentameter, anyone?

Limerick for Klaus

There once was a man in the Bar K
Who diligently provided P.S.A.
to his neighbors and friends
on whom his reports did depend
as they planned out their work and their play.

Haiku for Klaus

Look up in the sky
I've no clue what will transpire
Go check P.S.A.

When monitoring changes in the trends
Of heat waves, cold waves, floods, and drought depends
On accurate analysis of facts
And application of empiric stats

It pays to have a climatologist—
A celebrated research scientist
Whose intellect is prized across the nation
For work done on El Nino Oscillation.

The Royal Meteorological
Society (it’s only logical)
Awards the climatology gold star
To NOAA’s climate research superstar!

And when precipitation is a threat
His neighbors know it’s always a good bet
Before one ventures very far away
It's best to check on Klaus’s P.S.A.

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