Jamestown Looking for snowplow services for upper Spruce St, JT
The residents of upper-Spruce (6 homes) are looking for snowplow services. In the past Craig Brown did this and he has moved.

Please contact us directly (not on this forum) if you are interested or have a referral. We are actively accepting proposals.

Thanks very much

Leyla and Grant Jacobs
303-709-7236 leyla mobile
720-841-3002 grant mobile
Hi Leyla, Grant, and anyone who may see this,

We recently moved to town and are also looking for plowing services up on Porphyry View, which I believe is kind of the backside of Spruce St. accessed from 12th and Gillespie Spur rather than Mesa. If you get any replies, please send the info my way too. Or if anyone who replies would also reply here or to one of the below contacts, that would be so so helpful. 

Thank you,
Alec and Katrina
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