JAM Movie Night!
Hi Friends and Neighbors, JAM is happy to announce the return of our fall movie night this upcoming Saturday Oct 21st at the town hall. We will be showing a triple feature with doors opening at 6:00pm. The first movie will be a very well loved but seriously underrated animated film that is fully kid friendly(and absolutely enjoyable for all ages). Showtime at 6:30

Our second film will be a live action comedy that is well known by older generations and one you likely not see on television or streaming platforms nowadays. Wikipedia describes it as being one of Steve Martin's best comedic efforts, one of the funniest films ever made, and Stanley Kubrick’s favorite film. This one comes to us from days past and may not be appropriate for all ages and sensibilities. Showtime at 8-8:15

From the grand and twisted archives of our local resident cinematologist, Snake Von Habenero (Lynn Wilbur) we will be showing his personal selection of an old school spooky season horror flick. This one will not be suitable for kids so make sure they’re accompanied (we take no responsibility for nightmares!). Showtime at 9:45

Folding chairs will be available but we recommend bringing your own comfy camp chairs or better yet a blanket to sit on.

All the classic movie refreshments will be available!

Keep an eye out in front of the town hall in the coming days for a marquee that will outline the films titles and more info on JAMs community cinema!
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