  Who remembers?
The Rock Opera was our largest undertaking. The show was originally scheduled to be performed in October 2001, and just as we were starting to do the first few read throughs in late August, someone noticed the front southwest window of the Town Hall building had started to bow out. The building was “Condemned” and off-limits to us until just 2 weeks before the November shows. Quinter Fike and a team of construction works erected a structure inside the building to hold the roof up and make it safe for the show to go on.

Almost everything JAM did was done by volunteers. When we first got together in 1995, the Town Hall was pretty much an empty hulk. The furnace was inadequate-so the building couldn't be used most of the year- even the Town Board had taken to holding their meetings in the Elementary School.

The first thing JAM did was tore out the huge, old furnace and replaced it with the state of the art small, quiet little units we have now. Then we bought the stage curtains and built risers for a stage. We wrote grants and were able to get all stage lighting and sound equipment you now see in the Town Hall.

Check out the 5 Pictorial Quilts that hang at the back of the Hall. That project brought together over 70 local quilters and would be quilters and took over a year to produce.

In a typical year JAM would put on about 10 events.

A Children's Talent Show

Java Jam Coffee House

Our Holiday Craft Fair

A Children's Theater

 4[sup]th[/sup] of July Celebration

Beatles Night, Blues Show, Mostly Motown, Rolling Stones Review. 

Town Hall Improvement Days

Annual Open-Mic/Garage Sale
Thank you for this history!  Everyone who remembers, please chime in with your memories and experiences of JAM and its events of the past!
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