4th of July Jamestown PARADE
Hello Citizens of the Greater Jamestown Area!!

The 4th of July is just around the corner, which means it’s time for an update on this year’s 4th of July Jamestown PARADE!! Whether you are planning to watch or participate, we look forward to seeing you on the big day. 

Time: July 4: NOON (For participants: 11:30)

Location: Starts on the west end at Ward Street, winds all the way down Mill/Main St, and ends at Elysian Park. 

ACTIVELY SEEKING NEW FLOATS! Do you have a trailer? Flatbed?  A bike or a wheelbarrow? Your fave RIVER RAFT on a trailer? This is YOUR year to get creative! (Please write me if you think you’d like to have a float this year to help with planning: erika@glib.net)

Is the new DOG PARADE still happening? YES!  In Jamestown, we LOVE our dogs. You could: Dress em up with some flair...attach their name visibly somewhere on their body...decorate their leash...as long as they can play nice with their fellow canines, they are welcome to walk in the parade! Want to be part of the Bark Brigade? Just show up with your furry friend (leashed for the parade, please!) at the end of Ward street by 11:30. 

What about the KAZOO BAND? Definitely! ANYONE can join the Kazoo Band. This is a longstanding Jamestown tradition and Laura W will be proudly leading the buzz. Meet in the post office parking lot at 11:30 sharp with your kazoo (or get one while supplies last - Laura will have a limited supply of xtra!) and be ready to head up the parade!

And I know there are some JUGGLERS and STILT WALKERS out therestrut on in! We would love to have you! 

MARCHING BAND? You bet. And it shall be glorious. 

The Jamestown Volunteer Fire Department will be handling traffic control, emergency planning, etc. - and will of course, have their shiny engines out in style! (Thanks, JVFD - you are SO VERY appreciated!!)

And three cheers for Emma H, who has agreed to be our Parade Marshall again this year. Hip Hip! We shall follow you wherever you lead us, Emma! (Following in the fine footsteps of Luis M and David T, among others!)

So here's the question for you: How are YOU getting down to the big park on the 4th? Do it with some style and come join us!! 

Got questions or think you'd like to jump in? You are always welcome to just show up on Ward Street @11:30 on the 4th, but it'd be great if you would write me to give a heads up so that I can make sure you have the spot you deserve: erika@glib.net 

Thanks all!
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