01-22-2025, 09:33 PM
Hi all-
the watershed center is making one more attempt with the Wildfire Research study. If you can, please take a few minutes to complete and return the surveys. If you did not complete the survey in the first round, you will likely receive one in the mail. It will help Lefthand and other fire agencies with targeting our public education surrounding wildfire needs:
1) Who will be able to see my survey answers?
The Wildfire Research Center, which is made up of researchers who are held to strict privacy rules, will receive your survey. When you return your survey, The Wildfire Research Center will delete your name and address from the associated survey responses. No one will be able to link survey responses to individuals. Survey data will only be reported in a summary format. For example, “23% of respondents said that they would like to receive information about evacuation, and 70% of respondents prefer to receive information through community meetings”.
2) Why is there a unique code on my survey return envelope?
The code is used for administration purposes (e.g., ensuring we do not send a second survey to those who have already returned a survey) and to summarize responses by fire protection district.
3) Will the County government or insurance companies be able to see my survey answers?
No one will be able to link survey responses to individuals.
4) How will the survey data be used? How will my response help?
The data will be used to help local fire protection districts and wildfire mitigation practitioners improve our programming to be responsive to community needs, values, and desires. The more people that respond – including you – the better we can serve the diverse needs of our community members. The findings from this survey can also help us to obtain grant funding to improve our programming – for example, the findings can help us demonstrate a need for different types of efforts (e.g., community slash disposal resources, cost-share programs, etc.).
the watershed center is making one more attempt with the Wildfire Research study. If you can, please take a few minutes to complete and return the surveys. If you did not complete the survey in the first round, you will likely receive one in the mail. It will help Lefthand and other fire agencies with targeting our public education surrounding wildfire needs:
1) Who will be able to see my survey answers?
The Wildfire Research Center, which is made up of researchers who are held to strict privacy rules, will receive your survey. When you return your survey, The Wildfire Research Center will delete your name and address from the associated survey responses. No one will be able to link survey responses to individuals. Survey data will only be reported in a summary format. For example, “23% of respondents said that they would like to receive information about evacuation, and 70% of respondents prefer to receive information through community meetings”.
2) Why is there a unique code on my survey return envelope?
The code is used for administration purposes (e.g., ensuring we do not send a second survey to those who have already returned a survey) and to summarize responses by fire protection district.
3) Will the County government or insurance companies be able to see my survey answers?
No one will be able to link survey responses to individuals.
4) How will the survey data be used? How will my response help?
The data will be used to help local fire protection districts and wildfire mitigation practitioners improve our programming to be responsive to community needs, values, and desires. The more people that respond – including you – the better we can serve the diverse needs of our community members. The findings from this survey can also help us to obtain grant funding to improve our programming – for example, the findings can help us demonstrate a need for different types of efforts (e.g., community slash disposal resources, cost-share programs, etc.).