Wally the Wonder Dog has been reunited with his Family!
Last night I posted about a dog that our neighbors had picked up on the road below Jamestown and brought home.
It turns out that “Wally” the Chocolate Lab had quite an adventure that began that evening at a Kum & Go on I-25 east of Loveland.
His owner had stopped there to get a Gatorade, and for the first time ever, left his truck, with Wally in it, running. To his owners horror, he watched on the security cam at the counter as a guy who had just left the store hop in the truck with a different dog. As the car thief drove away, the owner saw his own dog, Wally, sit up in the back seat of the truck. This happened at about 6pm Wednesday night.
A couple hours later, Wally was found on the side of the road by our neighbors Gunnar & Morgan, between the Ward cut-off and Jamestown.
Apparently Wally had been “dropped” there by the car thief, 45 miles from the Kum & Go.
Since it was late and very cold when they found Wally, Gunnar & Morgan brought him home for the night.
In the morning they brought this mystery dog over to us so we could watch him and they could go to work.
There were no “lost dogs” resembling this guy at the Boulder Humane Society or on Next Door.
Doc Lisa came over to see if he had a microchip. He didn’t, but she thought he had an ACL tear.
Doc Lisa poured over lost dogs sites and found a posting on northern Colorado lost pets FB group by Wally’s mom. Wally’s humans had been frantically searching for him since the truck was stolen.
Thanks to Doc Lisa’s discovery of the FB post, we were able to contact the owners and confirm that he was, indeed, their dog.
Wally was happily re-united with his family when I met them in Longmont this afternoon. Wally is scheduled for ACL surgery in a couple weeks. Fortunately they were able to keep Wally’s disappearance a secret from their 4-year old daughter. Dad was not only relieved to have Wally back safe and sound, but also because he didn’t have to tell his little girl he’d lost her dog.
The stolen truck is still missing, and whereabouts of the thief are unknown.
But Wally’s owners are just thrilled to have him home.
Huge thanks and gratitude go out to Wally’s rescuers, Gunnar& Morgan, and to Doc Lisa for her heroic efforts to track down his owners.
There couldn’t be a better ending to this Lost Dog saga! Woof!
What a heart-warming story!   It never ceases to amaze me how our Mountain CommUNITY consistently finds, saves and re-unites dogs and their owners.
Kudos to Gunnar & Morgan. And of course Doc Lisa is amazing!  "Blind Respect for All Living Things!" as Lisa proclaimed.  Awesome!   Shout out to Jaime too, who is always taking care of lost K9s. 
Thank you BrookC as well ! "Woof Woof" agrees Lila.  ^-_-^
So heart-warming! Heart I hope they get their truck back, too!
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