history question
As I was reading about the JAM New Year's celebration I remembered that when I moved here in '76 Jamestown was "dry".  Can anyone tell me when that started and when it ended?
Can't say about Jimtown, but Ward and Peaceful Valley have never been dry.  At one time there were seven saloons in Allenspark.  But I remember in the late 1960's, Allenspark residents opposed approval of a retail liquor license for the Ferncliff Store.  A few years later, Ferncliff owner Don Kvols finally broke through the prohibitionist backlog, winning enough local friends and support to sell wine, beer, and spirits.
The City of Boulder was dry, except for 3.2 beer, from 1933 until 1967....
Betty, I searched the QT archives, and found some history below.  The town voted to let the Merc start serving beer and wine in 1997.  I remember the lobbying that was done - the slogan "why drive home drunk when you can walk" comes to mind.  The Merc served "House Water" at Thursday night dinners when I came here in 1987 and Bianca Storlazzi & Donna Rabbit ran the Merc.   Bianca still comes to visit from time to time - she lives in LeCompton KS, and Donna visits on the 4th from Denver.

The Merc03-14-2006 09:54 PM MT(US)And ... this Friday, March 17th is our annual Saint Patty's Day & Liberation from Prohibition Celebration! Joey's cookin' Corned Beef & Cabbage to kick off the Potluck Party at 6:30pm in the Special Events Room next to The Merc! Live Folk Music by Bayou! For those of you who don't know the story... Nine years ago on March 17th, the Merc and many local supporters went before the Town Board of Jamestown hoping to gain approval for a beer & wine license, which hadn't been allowed since the mining days before Prohibition began in 1919. After addressing minor conerns of some residents and making certain compromises, the Town granted the Merc its longstanding wish, thus ending an era of House Water and liberating the Prohibition that had existed in Jamestown for 78 years. Please come over and celebrate with your neighbors! Edited 03-14-2006 09:55 PM
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