BEARS in the Hood (JT) !
Yesterday I noticed damage to the raspberry bushes there on Ward St.  Maybe raspberry seeds?
Thanks Bill!  

Glad to hear one of Our Bears is eating right!  

Lil Red was back again on Mesa Street last night around midnight.  Gave him the AIR HORN.  
Sorry neighbors!  Had no choice  He was checking Bear Cans making sure we locked them 
properly!  Lila was on top of it and went on ALERT!  Stepped out of the front door and he showed his face,
we had a brief conversation before I blew my horn.  He bailed over the road and down to 
the river.  Thanks Collie for giving him heck before I opened up on him.

I am aware of at least 3 Adult Bears in the area.  1 Red, 1 BIG BLACK, 1 Blonde (this is the
guy I hope I get to see. I have heard Blondie is quite attractive.)  

I am aware of at least 2 Juvenile Bears,  1 Lil Red, 1 Lil Blackie

Not sure why we are seeing so many more Bears this season.  Been hot and dry.  Food sources
may be behind schedule.  OR, there is more to eat in town these days.  Can't change mother nature 
but we all can try harder to clean up our acts and SAVE OUR BEARS!

We have experienced TOWN BEARS roaming JT regularly.  We need to make them feel UNWELCOME.

Help us please.

~ SOB john

PS:  Shout OUT to Jaye B for coming up to Mesa St to help Haze Lil Red Saturday afternoon
       (yes the same guy as last night)    I have chased Lil Red 4-5 times already this summer. 
       We are getting to be close friends.  Big Grin
Just saw a smallish mom with cub- down canyon- 3/4 of a mile east of where road splits off to Ward- 6:35pm tonight
Jessica Goodchild
Today’s Special: Chokecherries (Upper Main).    
Hey YogaJessica ~

Thank you for posting your BEAR sighting!  Always fun to see the Cubs and Mama, as long as they are not too close!

What COLOR were these guys? 

That makes at least 7 BEARS that I am aware of that are in our neck of the woods. 

Berries and Fruit are on the way!  Hopefully OUR BEARS will find more to eat in the HILLS than in JT!

We are just getting started on OUR BEAR'S BUSY SEASON.  EAT, EAT, EAT, EAT SOME MORE! 

~SOB john
Hey John,
Mother and cub were black on color and on the small side. The cub looked to be less than a year and the mother was small also.
Jessica Goodchild
(07-24-2024, 08:27 PM)YogaJessica Wrote: Hey John,
Mother and cub were black on color and on the small side. The cub looked to be less than a year and the mother was small also.

Thank you Jessica!

Cubs are born in late January - early February

Young BLACK adult or OUR Little Black Juvenile/Knucklehead was exploring porches on
MESA STREET early this morning.  He was hazed and rolled down toward Lo Mein.  

Been a busy couple weeks of BEARS !  TRASH  & PIZZA DAY tomorrow. 

Thanks Will W for the INTEL!  

~ SOB john
Hey JimTown ~


Last night (3AM ish) A Large MAMA BEAR and her JUVENILE  CUB raided the dumpster shed at The Merc. 

Broke THE GATE!  Behaved a bit defiantly when hazed!.  Don't get between MAMA BEAR and HER CUBS ~ EVER !

From there they made it up to Mesa Street and visited The Calwood house. (Will's INTEL). Pooped all over.
This does not sound like the same Bears (Mama and Lil Cub) reported being sighted in LHC a couple days ago. 
I am guessing anyway.  If I am right, that brings the number of LOCAL BEARS to 9.  4 more than last week!

It is getting more serious folks.  It is up to US HUMANS to help OUR BEARS STAY WILD

Save Our BEARS JT! 

~ SOB john
Hey all!

We’re a couple miles downstream of Jamestown and. A pair of bears, mother and older cub? Not sure! Have been sniffing around. Heard them get into the hummingbird feeders before it was dark, which is when we take them in. All trash and feeders otherwise is locked up. They chewed on our trash can that is kept empty.

Mostly concerned with how much they didn’t care about the noise we made to drive them off. Pots and pans and three adults yelling only made them slowly saunter uphill a little to stare at us. They came back again this morning around 1 am and ignored us while searching for non existent food. Guess we should get an air horn?

Oh hey this sounds like who visited us! Very defiant! Acted more annoyed/frustrated than anything, the mom(?) growled in a huff when she finally moved off

(07-25-2024, 05:43 PM)John Hardman Wrote: Hey JimTown ~


Last night (3AM ish) A Large MAMA BEAR and her JUVENILE  CUB raided the dumpster shed at The Merc. 

Broke THE GATE!  Behaved a bit defiantly when hazed!.  Don't get between MAMA BEAR and HER CUBS ~ EVER !

From there they made it up to Mesa Street and visited The Calwood house. (Will's INTEL). Pooped all over.
This does not sound like the same Bears (Mama and Lil Cub) reported being sighted in LHC a couple days ago. 
I am guessing anyway.  If I am right, that brings the number of LOCAL BEARS to 9.  4 more than last week!

It is getting more serious folks.  It is up to US HUMANS to help OUR BEARS STAY WILD

Save Our BEARS JT! 

~ SOB john
Hey FISH ~

Thank you for the posting and it does sound like the same Mama & Juvenile Cub.  An experienced Bear, especially a Town BEAR,
may behave a bit nonchalant. Huffing and  Bluff Charges are part of their strategy to make you stop and think, SO THEY CAN GET AWAY! 

The Bear Whisperer states that Our Bears are always trying to conserve energy and put on weight and don't run unless necessary.
Might explain her behavior.  An air horn does help. Might want to get some pepper spray too, just be careful, maybe practice using 
pepper spray so you don't get yourself! Check the wind first!   It HURTS ALLOT 

Let's do this JT

~ SOB john

PS: For those of you who might have missed it.  I had just left myself.  AND GUESS WHO SHOWED UP ~ Hungry? at The Merc TONITE ?   Ursus americanus 
     OUR BEAR "posed" for a few "photo-ops" and then went up the hill to wait until the Homo sapiens go away.
Doesn't matter if it's daylight or dark, bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, food odors are an attractant 24/7. (I don't think the concept time and light matter to bears)

I don't know how the notion of bringing feeders in at night came about as an effective means of prevention other than it would prevent the bears from feeding on them a night, but obviously it's not working. I guess one could stand guard by the feeders during daylight hours.

When bears find a concentrated source of easy food, especially a mother bear with a cub, they become habituated.

Judging a bears reaction or lack thereof to being hazed and expecting to run in shame, well, it doesn't necessarily work that way. 

They assess the potential threat level, fight or flight, it's nature. Hunger rules, someone yelling "shoo" or "bad bear" isn't really that threatening, and the air horn may startle them, until they figure out it doesn't hurt them and that it's just an annoyance.
(07-26-2024, 04:33 AM)Hollis Wrote: Doesn't matter if it's daylight or dark, bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, food odors are an attractant 24/7. (I don't think the concept time and light matter to bears)

I don't know how the notion of bringing feeders in at night came about as an effective means of prevention other than it would prevent the bears from feeding on them a night, but obviously it's not working. I guess one could stand guard by the feeders during daylight hours.

When bears find a concentrated source of easy food, especially a mother bear with a cub, they become habituated.

Judging a bears reaction or lack thereof to being hazed and expecting to run in shame, well, it doesn't necessarily work that way. 

They assess the potential threat level, fight or flight, it's nature. Hunger rules, someone yelling "shoo" or "bad bear" isn't really that threatening, and the air horn may startle them, until they figure out it doesn't hurt them and that it's just an annoyance.
So can we think of any way to feed birds & not bears? 
Steve J.
Bear spotted tonight (Friday) at 11pm near the community garden, heading towards Jyoti's place. There was still 8 to 10 people in the little park breaking down after the excellent Janestown show tonight, so this one's pretty bold.
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