July 4th THANKS!!!
Please take the time to read all of this and add your thoughts!

Well, now that the dust has settled from July 4th and we are all (mostly) recovered, it's time to show our absolute appreciation for every volunteer who made the day a huge success! Please take a moment to respond here with YOUR appreciation and experiences of the day.  What was memorable for YOU?  What was YOUR favorite part?  Seeking positive comments to lift up those who donated their time and money to this great cause!

EXTRA SPECIAL SUPER DUPER EPICALLY-MONUMENTAL MEGA-THANKS to Karen DeVincenzo and Rose Harmos-Holder for leading our July 4th festivities in such a chill, fun, and profitable way!  These two are a dynamic duo who volunteered countless hours to make sure we ALL had an awesome day while raising a lot of money for our fire department!  The only people who truly know what a gigantic achievement this really is are those who have performed these roles in the past.  Congratulations Karen and Rose for working so well with every person, for handling every challenge with extreme grace and kindness, and for making this event such a success for all!

This annual event could never happen without the numerous volunteers who step up in various ways! 

First and foremost, THANK YOU TO EVERY PERSON WHO PATRONIZED AND SUPPORTED THIS EVENT, helping to raise much-needed funds for our Jamestown Volunteer Fire Department (JVFD) and Emergency Medical Service (EMS)!  This is the only fundraising event held for these groups and will go far in helping them continue to serve our area for emergencies, keeping us all secure and thriving in this precious mountain paradise.

THANK YOU to EVERY MUSICIAN who schlepped their gear, set it up, played their hearts out, broke it down, and carried it away as their donation to our Town, most especially to Rainbow Schultz for organizing an incredible music schedule and to Michael Brotherton, Phil Chappell, and Tom Williams for providing extraordinarily excellent sound with minimal issues, as well as to all our stage helpers (Annsley Dolan, Matt Cottle, Chris Sheldon, and Jaye Brotherton) for hanging around all day to make sure everything went smooth and all the musicians were happy! 

THANK YOU to our Emcees -- Jovan Fish, Laura Williams, and Nancy Farmer for speaking to the masses with important info and announcements throughout the day!

THANK YOU to the park preparers (Julie Constantine, Russell Kyte, and others, I'm sure), weed wackers, lawn mowers, poo-picker-uppers, and over-the-top outhouse painters (Dereck Todd & Judy Batty) for making sure the area was safe, beautiful, and comfy!  Seriously, the outhouse has never looked so inviting!

THANK YOU to every breakfast volunteer, pancake flipper, egg scrambler, sausage & syrup server, coffee maker, money taker, and especially to Courtney Thibault for managing this part beginning in the wee hours!

THANK YOU to every parade volunteer, without whom we could never boast The World's Goofiest (and shortest) Parade, and especially to Louie (Kablooie) Maurer and Emma Hardy for organizing!

THANK YOU to our amazing food trucks who kept us thriving throughout the day with nutritious, delicious, and reasonably-priced food! My gosh, it was sooooo goooooood!

THANK YOU to every vendor (over 15 of them!) who worked tirelessly preparing their beautiful art, schlepping it all, setting it up, selling their wares, and bringing any leftovers home again, and especially to Matty Graziano for organizing!  We hope every artist sold a lot and profited!

THANK YOU to our incredible Time Capturer, Sal DeVincenzo, for setting up the Wifi and all his gear, roaming around ALL DAY to take the most amazing photos of individuals and groups while making us look our absolute best, managing a live stream for the many Jimtowners who couldn't attend in person, spending countless hours beforehand and afterwards organizing and editing, and for taking our beloved Town Photo!  I just can't express how important this photo is every year in etching the history of Jimtown!

THANK YOU to every Pie & Cake baker who spent hours creating their beautiful, delectable treats, carefully transporting, and setting up, and especially to Lynnie Middledorf and Debbie Allen for organizing!  Special appreciation goes to every kid who worked so hard on their recipes for this contest!

THANK YOU to every Raffle and Tee Shirt volunteer who gathered donations, monitored the booth, and collected the valuable funds that JVFD/EMS needs to continue serving us, and especially to Erin Brotherton for designing yet another amazing annual Tee Shirt and to Karen DeVincenzo, Rose Harmos-Holder, Jese Engwall, and Kathryn White for organizing our Raffle!  Extra special thanks to every individual and business who donated items to our raffle!

THANK YOU to every wood chopper who entered our contest and worked so hard to split and pile up that wood, and especially to David Mans for gathering the wood and leading this fun, traditional event!

THANK YOU to Green Girl Recycling for managing the trash clean-up, composting, and recycling, as well as to every person who cleaned up their area, packed out what they packed in, and otherwise kept us safe from bears & wildlife by doing so!  Special thanks also to the late night fire tenders and day-after cleaner-uppers!

And finally, MAJOR THANKS to JVFD, EMS, and the Town of Jamestown, including our dear Town Clerk, Mayor, and volunteer Board Members for the endless hours spent in managing our town, weathering the many challenges we face, making decisions for the benefit of all, and keeping us all safe!

As always, Jamestown is the ONLY place to be on July 4th, so cheers to us all for creating the MOST fun for ourselves!

Did I forget anyone?  Please add YOUR experience and appreciation here!

I'll get us started by saying that MY favorite part is always the DOGS! Nowhere on earth are there more dogs than people all running around and getting along! Several times throughout the day while I was chillin' in my camp chair, many of my doggie friends would come and sit by me to offer their love and get some pets!

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