SVH Saturday Matinee
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00- threeish - Some of us are saintly and some of us are not and so it goes. This week's offering is one of my all time favorites, "A THOUSAND CLOWNS". Pauline Kael found it fatuous but it's the King's biscuit for those of us who relish the savor of eccentricity. Jason Robards does a yeoman's portrayal of an unemployed writer of kiddy-show scripts haphazardly caring for his precocious nephew left in his care by his wayward sister. If you relished the demented lunacy of "Andy's Gang" or the nutzoid cowboy romance of the K-circle-B Show out of Albuquerque back in the fifties, then you'll dig this one. I always enjoy some company.    
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00-3:00  -  This week I'll be watching something a little different from my usual trashy fare, "THE MILL AND THE CROSS". It stars Rutger Hauer as Pieter Breughel in a visual tour de force depicting art and life during the Northern Renaissance. I always enjoy some company.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00/3:00  -  This week I'll showing a double-feature, a couple of documentaries for affishanaddos of hot rod culture and lowbrow art, "TALE OF THE RAT FINK" and "THE VON DUTCH STORY".  If you missed the fifties and sixties and read Juxtapoz magazine, these are good introductions to the pioneers who made this form of  beautiful trash.  I always enjoy some company.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00/3:00  -  Apropos to the holiday season, this week I thought I'd show just about my favorite end of year movie, "THE DEAD", based on the last story in James Joyce's THE DUBLINERS.  I think it may have been John Huston's last hurrah and it's a beautiful dasvadanya.  It also meshes with the end of my journey through the mind bog of FINNEGAN'S WAKE, which I should be finished with by the end of the year. Some of us are flagellants. Anyways, I always enjoy some company.
Rats - I'm cooking.  Would make a special trip to see THE DEAD if  you show it another time and remind me.
Good use of Russian in a movie posting.
Firesign Theatre does a bit of Russian too - Communist Love Song.
I sing this in the shower.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee  -  all day off and on -  Well, the juice is back on and I'm jonzing for some slices of celluloid.  If yer not a football fan or otherwise occupied, feel free to stop by for a few minutes or hours.  I always enjoy some company, and will be dishing up smorgasbord of shorts, docs, inanities, earthquakers, silent classics, and other esoterica. I have some beer. Probly get started about ten.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee  -  1:00/3:00  -  This week I'll be showing one for all you crazy genious artist enthusiasts, "CHI-HWA-SEON  / PAINTED FIRE".  This is a terrific portayal of the Korean artist  Jang Seung-up. Beautiful historical drama, scintillating brushwork, and passionate portayal by the consummate actor Choi Min-sik. I always enjoy some company.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00/3:00  -  Steve E's recommendation of a book by one of his old friends put me in mind of a couple books for which I have great respect, "The Drowned and the Saved" and "If This is a Man" by Primo Levi.  So, this week I'll be showing "PRIMO", a filmed one-man-show based on these books.  The movie is a profound and often unsettling, but necessary, examination of one of the most monstrous historical episodes of the Twentieth Century, the Holocaust.  If your constitution is willing, feel free to join me.  I always enjoy some company. SvH
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00/3:00   -   This week, being in a elegeic frame of mind, I thought I would show the documentary about the olde country, "ZWICKER - AN AMERICAN COWBOY".  It's a portrayal of the ranch life in McElmo Canyon at the base of Ute Mountain. The parts I like best are segments about Audrey Allmon whom I was fortunate to have as my country school teacher when I was in the eighth grade. I always enjoy some company
Here's some poop about the guy portayed in the movie I'm showing tomorrow:   [Image: journal1s.jpg]  =600=600 [font][font]Longtime rancher Zwicker dies[/font][/font][font][font]Nov. 28, 2000[/font][/font]
[font][font]Eldon Zwicker, a 60-year resident of Southwest Colorado and a lifelong rancher, died Sunday in his McElmo Canyon home at the age of 87.[/font][/font]
[font]Zwicker was immortalized in a video, "Zwicker: An American Cowboy," created by David Bowyer and still sold in area outlets. The video focuses on Zwicker’s life as a cowboy, his family, and their views on the decline of ranching as a way of life.[/font]
[font]Zwicker was born June 26, 1913, to Emil and Matilda (Unterkeker) Zwicker, both ranchers, in Sherrard, Ill. He came to Southwest Colorado around 1936, according to his wife, Doreen, whom he married on Jan. 26, 1986.[/font]
[font]After settling in McElmo Canyon, he spent the rest of his life cattle-ranching, except for the last two years, when poor health prevented him from horseback-riding any longer.[/font]
[font]"I’ve been riding with him about 42 years, moving the cows," recalled Audrey Allmon, another McElmo Canyon resident and a longtime family friend. "He was one of the most completely honest people I’ve ever known. Everybody liked him.[/font]
[font]"When he got older, he shrank (in height). Somebody said to me once, ‘Who’s that little man over there?’ and I said, ‘To me he’s 10 feet tall, because that’s the kind of man he is.’"[/font]
[font]Zwicker loved Southwest Colorado and Montezuma County, Doreen Zwicker said.[/font]
[font]"He sure did — especially this canyon," she said.[/font]
[font]Zwicker is survived by his sons, Sheldon, Calvin and Sherman, all of whom followed in his steps and became ranchers in Montezuma County, and their families.[/font]
[font]He is also survived by his wife, a step-daughter, Karen Kingery, and her husband, Roy; and a step-son, Kent Fitzgerald, and his wife, Jeannie. He was preceded in death by his parents and his first wife, Lila M. Zwicker, who died in 1984.[/font]
[font][font]A graveside service was held Monday in McElmo Canyon at the Zwicker Family Cemetery.[/font][/font]
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee -  1:00/3:00   -  This week I'll be rolling out a trio of shorter films which illuminate some of the more esoteric American folkways, all activities useful in our everyday lives very tres chic:   "SPEEDO", an expose of demolition derbies,  "OKIE NOODLING", about fishing,  and "I WAS A TEEN-AGE MONSTER T-SHIRT PAINTER", which is pretty much self-explanatory.  I always enjoy some company.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee  -  1:00/3:00  -  This week I'll show "GEORGIA O'KEEFE", a pretty decent bio-pic about the famous artist of the Southwest. I always enjoy some company.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00/3:00 -  This week I'll be showing Robert Altman's "COME BACK TO THE FIVE AND DIME JIMMY DEAN, JIMMY DEAN".  This one has an almost all woman cast with some kick-ass performances and dreamlike ambiance. I think it was originally a play which Altman adapted for the big screen. Pauline Kael liked it, so that's good enough for me. I always enjoy some company.
Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 1:00/3:00 -  This week, three classics from the Golden Age of Comedy,  "ONE WEEK" w/ Buster Keaton,  "SAFETY LAST" w/Harold Lloyd, and "THE MUSIC BOX" w/Laurel and Hardy.  If there's time I'll throw in "MYSTERY OF THE LEAPING FISH" w/ Douglas Fairbanks playing the infamous detective Coke Ennyday.  I always enjoy some company
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