2 loose lost dogs in James Canyon
Monday 2/6 about 11am there were 2 dogs in the road about 1/2 mile west of the Ward cutoff. One medium brown shorthair and another larger husky/malamut/wolf hybrid looking dog. Two other people stopped to help me try to catch them, but they were scared and a little snarly (the dogs).
If you know who owns these dogs please let them know they’re in the road and in danger of getting hit.    
I've seen these dogs in the road a couple of times too.
I posted about these dogs about a month ago as well. I nearly hit the husky looking one. Folks have posted about these dogs being loose on multiple occasions.

Hoping the owner can get this figured out before their dogs are killed in the canyon.
After a couple attempts to track him down, I got a response from the owner. His name is David Bailey and he lives next to (behind) Helen and Robert. He said “thanks for the heads up” and that the dogs had returned home by the time he got home. Too bad - he might end up getting “dogs at large” fines if this keeps up, since this is not the first time they’ve been running in the road. My main concerns are for the safety of the dogs and any drivers who might swerve to avoid hitting them.
You witnessed it and have photos, and others corroborate. In my opinion - if it could save a life, start the process now for “dogs at large” before they are run over.
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