HAM RADIO class offering in Gold Hill
From our friendly Inter Mountain Alliance folk:

 From Christine Maedke, Gold Hill Town Treasurer:    Are you concerned about losing internet/cell/landline communications in an emergency?  Are you wishing you had a way to call home if you’re stuck on a mountain road or on a trail?  Then, have you considered getting licensed as a HAM radio operator?  You don’t have to go without a way to communicate. On Saturday/Sunday, November 4th & 5th, the Gold Hill School will be hosting a HAM radio licensing class.  George Weber, a board member for BCARES and a long-time HAM instructor will be teaching this course, free of charge.  This is a two-day course and a final exam will need to be passed in order to obtain licensing with the FEC.  You do not need to own a radio to take the course.   Once you’re licensed for radio use, there may be options to help you obtain a used radio.  There is also a network of individuals across the Boulder mountain area to help you practice and get comfortable using your radio.   [font]Please call/text GHTM Chair, Dan Maedke 303-808-7082 to RSVP[/font]
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