vicious pitbull
so very sickened and sad to hear of a violent pitbull who almost killed a small dog in town, right in front his/her children!

i love pits, and they can be super with 2-leggeds, but they can be so terribly murderous with other dogs.

for the sake of innocent, beloved LIFE, please keep this one leashed at all times!!
Hopefully this was reported to animal control.
The BoCo Sheriff's officer in charge is:Sarah Spensieri - Animal Control - Direct Line 303 441 1360In addition to the phone, email
Whoa folks- This is an accusatory &  potentially toxic convo without the whole story.  These kind of conversations are not healthy for our community and the BB is not the place to have them.
you think my post was "toxic"?
How so?

Do you want to tell 'the whole story' of how a small dog was attacked and put in the hospital in front of their small, elementary school children and their adult owners by the pitbull in question? 

Because, to me, (a dog lover with 2 small and defenseless dogs), this conversation needs to be had by the whole community. This is a public safety issue.

I had no intention of outing the owner or her dog by name. This isn't a witch-hunt. It's a matter of importance to our community, and anyone who might have a dog.

But here's your chance to clear up any toxicity that might be present in my post.
Is that a thing you'd be willing to do?

Thanks for your reply on this.
I don't know who the owner is of this dog, or who the dog is and my own children were not at school that day. I do know that this happened near the school, on Mesa.

The dog who was hospitalized is extremely docile.
As a parent of two school age children, and a new puppy, I'm VERY scared of a repeat incident and unfortunately have to take the step of carrying bear spray to take my children to school in case this dog tries to attack us.
If the owner wants to offer reassurance of exactly WHY this will never happen again, then that would help ease some deep concern.

I absolutely hope this is reported to animal control. The safety of others trumps the difficult feelings of keeping a dangerous dog. This is also along the trick or treating route on Tuesday and I hope their dog is appropriately restrained, both Tuesday and any other day.

This is an active legal matter Oak.  Discussing details here is terribly inappropriate!

The safety of the public in JT is of the up most interest to me.

It borders on libel to spread mis leading or false statements about some one on social media (like the BB), even if you are not mentioning their name.
And defaming a dog owner with a one sided story spun to whip up public support is what is sad here.
There are a lot of facts left out of this story - you all know well enough what happens when we ASS-U-ME right?
You don't know, you weren't there. And there are A LOT of important facts not included in the story being whipped up around town.
It's gossip and its toxic.
I've trained dogs for over 25 years and I know the pit in question very well- she is NOT dangerous or viscous. There are some dangerous dogs in town and she's not it.
How would any of you like it if there was suddenly a public debate about your household in the middle of an accident or injury, trauma or death huh?  
We are better than this- let the Sheriff's office handle it and delete this conversation please.
Seth, would you please reassure me about what is false here? This is EXTREMELY concerning to me, as a parent of small children and a puppy and I just want to ensure my family's safety. It is my understanding, that a dog that I have personal experience with as being extremely docile was attacked by another dog in town, in front of her family, including my children's young classmates.
Is that incorrect? Did that not happen?

Since you seem to be very familiar with this dog, are YOU able to offer reassurance that this dog will not harm another pet or even worse child?
This is 100% a matter of public safety, especially with the small children in town, and I'm very grateful that it was posted as it ensures I can take appropriate measures to keep my family safe, including a 3 and 5 year old and a 4 month old puppy who is very defenseless as I do the simple task of taking and picking up my children from school.

I don't see anywhere that Oak or anyone else has
disparaged the owner. That insinuation seems to be coming only from yourself.
<expletive deleted>!

I guess we all gotta <expletive deleted> leash up like we do in the <expletive deleted> city! ?
(10-31-2023, 12:53 PM)Marcia M Wrote: <expletive deleted>!

I guess we all gotta <expletive deleted> leash up like we do in the <expletive deleted> city! ?

Just so you're aware, Jamestown, Boulder City and Boulder County all have leash laws.
The JT ones can be found here:
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