BEARS in the Hood (JT) !
Hey Jimbillies ~

Last night @ 11PM ish.  A BEAR was spotted on Mesa St (of course).  It was too dark and brief for my source
to get a color/size description.  

Thank YOU Will (Calwood) ! for the intel.  I appreciate all postings and personal contact with regards
to BEAR sightings.  Last night @ 11PM ish, my GSD Lila went off (we are on Mesa St too) and I figured
it was a BEAR.  I grabbed my spot lite and my air horn and took off into the night, but OUR BEAR
like a ghost in the night, was gone.  Will confirmed my hunch!  

Tomorrow IS TRASH day.  OUR BEARS know that too. 

~ SOB john

TAKE IN bird feeders @ night. 

On my bird walk this morning there was bear poop and possible paw prints just off Charles’s driveway on Mesa.

Also at least 3 foxes on lower 12th St.
Hey Bill ~

Thanks for the intel.  I saw same thing on Lila's and my hike just a few minutes ago.  Right in front of the Callwood House on Mesa.  
Those are the guys that spotted OUR BEAR the night before and the scat was not there yesterday.  Another BEAR visit. 

Just as I expected. OUR BEARS tend to hang around a couple-three days then move on to other parts
of their turf/territory.  

I know OUR BEARS know when Trash Day is.  I have to believe they know when it's PIZZA NIGHT
at The Merc TOO. They are no dummies!  They know what a kick butt PIZZA RAINBOW puts out!  

Pay attention Billies !  Could be some more BEAR activity tonight.  Most likely swimming and
dancing in the creek. 

Felt pretty good when Lila and I took a dip this afternoon.  

~ SOB john
Spotted a bear in Upper Spruce tonight around 6:30pm, ran down the road and then cut down the grassy hillside toward Mesa St houses.
Appeared juvenile to me, shaggy black and cinnamon.
Just past the bear, there was a deer watching and then I passed by a fox den. So much life!
Thanks Michal ! 

Lil Red out doing his thing ~ getting into TROUBLE. 

Lots of Wildlife in JT for sure!  We are blessed and can CO-Exist.  

Hey JimBillies ~

On our daily "walkabout" Lila and i stumbled upon not ONE but TWO BIG piles of "you know what". 
YES !  BEAR POOH !  Big Bear pooh! Just east of the School and right in front of The Merc!

POOH full of BIRD SEED!  Not Good!  This does not look like one of our Juvenile/Knuckleheads
but an ADULT BEAR who has some bad habits.  

I am guessing that this current hot spell has slowed growth of some of the food sources 
Our Bears depend on for survival.  Choke Cherries are starting to.produce fruit.  Apple and
fruit trees won't be far behind.  

Thanks for all the posts of sightings and other details which help us manage Our Bears!   Big Grin

As always, Love

~ SOB john
We just had a bear break into our Western Disposal bear-proof garbage container. Dean chased him down Mesa Street with a Bear Horn. The garbage is now safely stowed in the Garage.
Thanks Dee for the report !

I am surprised I did not hear Dean's horn last night.  I would have helped "HAZE" Our Bear.

Did you guys get a good look at the BEAR?  Color? Size?
Wondering if it is the Bigger Bear that I saw "TelTAIL Signs" of yesterday.

It's that time of year guys.  Time to be vigilant with trash, automobiles, bird feeders etc.  

Help us keep OUR BEARS WILD JT!  

~ SOB john
I heard the air horn blasts!  You were moving fast, Dean!  Thanks for your post Dee. 
The foxes were really singing around the same time, too.
Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world!
Hey Billies ~

On our hike today I was a bit surprised how many more SIGNS of a Large BEAR I 
saw around town.  THIS BEAR is eating birdseed somewhere and it needs to stop. 

Mesa Street, High and Low Main Street, Cemetery Road, 12th Street.  This BEAR is all over town. 
We need to clean up our act before this guy gets hisself in BIG TROUBLE. 

Help me Billies SAVE OUR BEARS.  Don't be afraid to ask neighbors to try harder 
if you see Bear Attractants available.  One entry into a home or a vehicle and 
this Bear could end up a DEAD BEAR.  Because it is hungry!  

I read a quote that I think applies:


~ SOB john

As I expected, more BEAR activity LAST NIGHT/Thursday!   Jovan chased OUR BIG BLACK BEAR away from the Merc dumpster
BEFORE DARK last night.  Not good when Our BEARS are running around in the daylight! 

I also found more scat on MESA ST.   Same LARGE BEAR pooh, full of bird seed!  Pizza and Flatlanders in town tonite so
don't be surprised if you have a surprise visitor before the night turns to dawn.  

Please report your sightings Folks!  Please!  Not trying to bust or shame anyone.  Just want us to call upon
The Better Angels of Our Nature and protect OUR BEARS from the Better Angels of THEIR Nature.  

~ SOB john

PS :  UPDATE > Several BIG BEAR visits LAST NIGHT (FRIDAY)  More POOH full of BIRD SEED!  Come on guys!  You know better. <
Lil RED the Juvenile is up on Mesa Street near the school NOW.

Heard your air horn blasts.  No sight of him on Spruce, east of the school.
Big fresh pile this morning on lower Ward St. near intersection with Main, full of tiny seeds. But these are berry seeds, not birdseed, so at least that’s a good thing.

Bill B.
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