Democracy is not a spectator sport
Copied from the Colorado State Shooting Association:
With the “Assault Weapons Ban” scheduled for a House Judiciary hearing on Tuesday and the ban on public carry scheduled for a Senate Judiciary hearing on Wednesday, this is the most important legislative update so far this year:

HB24-1292: This is the anti-gun politicians’ latest attempt at an “assault weapons” ban. If passed, it would ban every semi-automatic centerfire handgun, rifle, and shotgun that accepts a magazine. It is scheduled for a House Judiciary Committee hearing this upcoming Tuesday, March 19th upon adjournment. “Upon adjournment” is an intentionally ambiguous time to schedule such a hot-button issue. It means that those who wish to testify against it should show up or log in to Zoom by 9:30 am.

SB24-131: The “Sensitive Spaces” bill would ban open and concealed carry virtually everywhere in the state except your home. It is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee this upcoming Wednesday, March 20th at 1:30 pm.

HB24-1310: The SLOWER bill would bar school districts from allowing well-trained teachers and faculty to concealed carry on campus to protect against violent threats to student safety. This is a targeted ban on the life-saving work that FASTER Colorado is doing to train school faculty in the proper use of firearms for emergency response. After having its committee hearing delayed by the snowstorm on Thursday, this bill’s new hearing date has not been scheduled yet.

HB24-1270: This measure would require all gun owners to maintain liability insurance, further increasing the unconstitutional financial burden of exercising our Second Amendment rights. After having its committee hearing delayed by the snowstorm on Thursday, this bill’s new hearing date has not been scheduled yet.

HB24-1353: This bill would require gun merchants to obtain a state permit in addition to their federal firearms licenses. The permit will cost $400 and the state will be permitted to increase the fee annually. This will add to the financial burden of doing business in an industry that is already struggling due to a plethora of existing restrictions. After having its committee hearing delayed by the snowstorm on Thursday, this bill’s new hearing date has not been scheduled yet.

HB24-1174: This bill would increase the requirements to obtain a concealed carry permit. After passing through the House on March 11th, it was introduced in the Senate yesterday (3/15) and assigned to the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee.

HB24-1349: This is an excise tax on firearms and ammunition. Excise taxes, such as those commonly levied on cigarettes and marijuana, are what we refer to as sin taxes. But gun ownership is a right, not a wrong. This bill is scheduled for a House Finance Committee hearing on March 25th at 1:30 pm.

SB24-003: This bill would allocate millions of dollars to the CBI to create a “gun police” task force to enforce unconstitutional gun control policies like the mandatory 3-day waiting period. It passed through the Senate yesterday (3/15) and will now go to the House.

SB24-066: This bill would require credit card and debit card transactions between consumers and licensed firearms dealers to be marked with a distinct code, allowing the government to track who is making legal firearm purchases. It is scheduled for a House Business Affairs & Labor Committee hearing on March 21st at 1:30 pm. However, the signup page is not currently allowing people to sign up to testify about this bill. We have reached out to the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee to try and resolve the issue.

HB24-1348: This bill would require any firearm left in a vehicle to be stored in a locked, hard-sided case out of plain view or in a locked trunk. Promoting this measure after killing a bill that would’ve increased the penalty for theft of firearms proves that anti-gun politicians intend to treat victims as criminals and criminals as victims. The House Judiciary Committee referred this bill to the House Committee of the Whole on March 13th. You can follow this link to find out who your house representative is and what their email is so you can urge them to oppose this bill.
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