Bar-K Century Link Landline ??
From the Department of Small Miracles

I just got off of a phone call with Rocky, a CTL employee of out Salt Lake City who's been with the phone company for a lonnnng time, through US West to Qwest to CTL.  HE CALLED ME!!!!!  (I miraculously got connected with a terrific person yesterday in the chat window (Karmela), and after explaining it all, she escalated my / our problems, delays, and frustrations.)  Indeed, Rocky works in the Executive Escalation Department, and he said that stuff has to be bad to reach him.  Things he shared:

1) EVERYONE'S line should have been fixed when the technician came out yesterday
2) He's going to see about getting someone out here ASAP, although he said he couldn't promise any dates at this point.  But when he knows he'll call.  (He actually made a really great joke.  I told him I may be out of cell signal, and he said he'd leave a message on my home phone!  We both laughed with gusto at that one!)
3) He had held hope that things would get better at CTL following some of the horrible changes after CTL took over from Qwest, but all of the outsourcing / offshoring has just totally ruined everything.  He forwards complaints and his experiences on the front line up the chain, but it just goes into the abyss
4) His birthday gift to himself in October will be to make it his last day there with a Good Riddance

All of this to maximize profits...  I am so over the heartlessness of too many corporations.  This one is desperately aspiring to be the Poster Child for Meanspiritedness.  It just doesn't have to be done this way.  

And all of this on AN EVEN DARKER DAY in our crumbling country.
I'm still out too! I'll try the chat function again for the fourth time. ?
Mine has been out since TUESDAY. Can’t teach anyone.
Hi Sandy.. did you get resolution on your phone service? I too am out. Chatted , tested, etc. and no service still. What number did you call to talk to the helpful person? Thank you

Just as Reymund D was going to give me appointment for technician my session timed out. Even tough I clicked YES to continue. Any suggestions?
Hey Wingham - I was initially t told my appt would be this Wednesday. Good ol' Rocky said he'd escalate it and get back to me.


But I *did* receive an email telling me they would be out on Friday instead, two days later!

See how I'm keeping my language family friendly here?!

Thanks for your reply sandy. would you be willing to let them know I’m out too at 67 Bridger? I keep getting cut off on the chat function and cannot call due to no phone and cell doesn’t work. I will keep trying still. If you are able to mention. The number is 3-459-0534 and they did all if the testing on the chat function and we’re ready to assign technician. Twice. ?
Ha-ha, Wingham!!  No, not laughing at you...  Just laughing at the notion that I have some secret sauce.  I just got lucky ONCE, that's all!!

Given the number of people still with outages, I'm going to tape a piece of paper to the CTL junction box right by the mailboxes with the clear message that many are still without service.  I'll probably do so later in the afternoon today.  (I will start with my number, and with your permission, Wingham, yours as well.)  I think everyone without a dial tone should write their phone number (only) on the list.  That way, when/if someone DOES show up, they'll be able to see which numbers need to be restored.  That's some high-tech stuff right there, yah?!

Anything else just seems like an exercise in frustration and irrationality.  TALK to the people who are involved in providing service?  HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!

Good Luck, everyone!
Thanks! I called today when I was in boulder. Auto chat did the test again and then ‘said’ a ‘technician is working on it’. And the recording is updated every hour. Mmmmhhhm.
My phone is back. Anyone else's service restored? Still not restored?
I just checked and my phone is back, too. Thanks for everyone for your help!
Yes. Thanks! Now maybe we can work on a reduced bill for out of service last month 4 days and 8 days this month. ?
We are still out on Ranch and Wapiti. No luck initially with CenturyFink - on hold for 20 minutes. Then initial chat with robot worthless. Finally a chat with possible sentient life form to schedule appointment but will have to an block entire day waiting for service technician. They said there is no record of multiple outages in our area. Hmmm.
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