SnakeBytes - Snake Snake van Habanero's Saturday Matinee - 2:00/4:00
Hokay, Halloween is over the ridge. Time to move on (although I gotta say, I had a ball over indulging in Joe Bob Land).  This week's offering is "THE YELLOW BITTERN - THE LIFE AND TIMES OF LIAM CLANCY".  This documental autobiography should appeal to old folkies and fans of The Great Folk Scare of the late fifties and early sixties. Even Dylan has said that Liam Clancy was top of the heap as a ballad singer.  If you like Christy Moore, Gordon Bok, Steve Gillette, et al. you will enjoy this heartfelt confessional. I always enjoy some company/ SvH    
I grew up in a small town in the Four Corners in the Fifties with a population at that time around 7,000.  Before The translator on Mesa Verde brought television from Albuquerque we had two drive-ins and two indoor theaters in town. My old man had a second job as a projectionist at one of the local drive-ins and on occasion, rather than hire a baby sitter, would stash us kids in the car while he ran the show.  I nodded off to dreamland watching many a b-movie or boring romantic comedy.  Is it any wonder there's a soft spot in my psyche for a rip snorting monster movie. Anyways, this week's fare is a drive-in movie called, you guessed it, "DRIVE-IN", a Texas concoction distilling all the provenence of this almost forgotten cultural icon. I'll save the back seat for you. I always enjoy some company. SvH        
(11-04-2022, 03:57 AM)Lynn Wilber Wrote: Hokay, Halloween is over the ridge. Time to move on (although I gotta say, I had a ball over indulging in Joe Bob Land).  This week's offering is "THE YELLOW BITTERN - THE LIFE AND TIMES OF LIAM CLANCY".  This documental autobiography should appeal to old folkies and fans of The Great Folk Scare of the late fifties and early sixties. Even Dylan has said that Liam Clancy was top of the heap as a ballad singer.  If you like Christy Moore, Gordon Bok, Steve Gillette, et al. you will enjoy this heartfelt confessional. I always enjoy some company/ SvH
The quintessential banjo vid:

Snake's vision is realized
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